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First Look at SDCC Exclusives 2017 Wave 9: Miscellaneous!
Today’s wave is a bunch of items that didn’t really fit in with any other category, but we love them just the same!
Five Nights at Freddy’s
Our Five Nights at Freddy’s San Diego Comic Con 2017 exclusives are from Sister Location, the latest game in the series!
Pop! Games: Sister Location – Jumpscare Funtime Foxy

Pop! Games: Sister Location – Jumpscare Baby

Elder Scrolls
Fus Ro Dah! The mighty Dwarven Colossus joins our Elder Scrolls series as a super-sized 6-inch Pop!
Pop! Games: Elder Scrolls – 6” Dwarven Colossus

Dr. Seuss
Our very first San Diego Comic Con exclusive Dr. Seuss Pop! is the flocked Lorax!
Pop! Books: Dr. Seuss – Lorax (flocked)

Power Rangers
Initiate Megazord sequence! The iconic Megazord is a San Diego Comic Con 2017 exclusive super-sized 6-inch Pop! Megazord Battle Mode!
Pop! Power Rangers – 6” Megazord

Masters of the Universe
Our Masters of the Universe series grows with a glow-in-the-dark Scareglow Pop!, flocked Panthor and Battle Armor Skeletor Dorbz Ride, and She-Ra in Rock Candy form!
Pop! TV: MOTU – Scareglow (GITD)

Dorbz Ride: MOTU – Panthor w/ Battle Armor Skeletor

Rock Candy: MOTU – She-Ra

Long-time Funko collectors, rejoice! We’re bringing back Sike-O-Shriner in Pop! form for San Diego Comic Con 2017!
Pop! Funko: Sike-O-Shriner