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This was announced on Funko Funkast, which can be heard here: https://soundcloud.com/originalfunko/funkast-episode-35-you-had-me-at-cats-in-bananas @ 51:35
And on the Funko Blog here: https://funko.com/blogs/news/coming-soon-target-exclusive-the-shining-the-grady-twins
Pop! Movies: The Shining-2-Pack- The Grady Twins
From Stanley Kubrick’s classic psychological thriller,The Shining.
Look for The Grady Twins available only at Target!

Find the chase piece of The Grady Twins, featured with blood!
A rarity of 1-in-36!

Look for The Grady Twins, only at Target mid-October!
Look for The Grady Twins available only at Target!

Find the chase piece of The Grady Twins, featured with blood!
A rarity of 1-in-36!

Look for The Grady Twins, only at Target mid-October!