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Take a journey aboard the star-ship Nostromo but it might not end well. Celebrate 40 years of a sci-fi horror classic with a Pop! keychain Xenomorph that will strike terror into the hearts of anyone who sees it.

Warrant officer Ripley with a tracker and Xenomorph make a potentially violent pair as a Vynl. duo.

Pop! warrant officer Ripley is ready for action in her spacesuit and Pop! Xenomorph is ready to inflict terror and damage.

Pop! Ripley holding the adorable Jonesy is available as a Funko web exclusive and a metallic Xenomorph Pop! is available as a Funko select specialty series.

Warrant officer Ripley with a tracker and Xenomorph make a potentially violent pair as a Vynl. duo.

Pop! warrant officer Ripley is ready for action in her spacesuit and Pop! Xenomorph is ready to inflict terror and damage.

Pop! Ripley holding the adorable Jonesy is available as a Funko web exclusive and a metallic Xenomorph Pop! is available as a Funko select specialty series.