Toys R Us
Toys R Us will reopen for the 2019 holiday season.
The new stores are expected to be about a third of the size of traditional Toys R Us outlets, but with play areas and other experiences.
Toys R Us is rising from the dead
Toys R Us isn’t ready to get banished to the island of misfit toys. Months after the toy chain’s demise, Tru Kids Inc. — also known as Tru Kids Brands — has gobbled up Toys R Us, Babies R Us,…
Geoffrey, LLC’s Assets to Be Acquired by Its Secured Lenders
WAYNE, NJ – October 2, 2018 – Geoffrey, LLC, Toys “R” Us, Inc.’s intellectual property holding company subsidiary, announced today that it is moving forward with a plan for substantially all of its assets to be acquired by a group…
Goodbye Toys R Us!
As many of you may know, Toys R Us closed its door for the last time this week. Goodbye Toys R US! Pick up this Toys R Us Kid shirt to remember, that you’ll always be a Toys R Us…
Reminder: Funko Pop! Care Bears Flocked Grumpy Bear Box Lunch Exclusive will go live tonight!
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